At the core of our dental practice is a friendly team of dental professionals that are dedicated to your utmost comfort and optimal oral health. We view each patient as a unique individual, and tailor each treatment to your specific needs. As part of our commitment to providing close, personalized attention to every patient, we want to encourage patient communication. Please know that we are here to provide outstanding patient care, and that we value the trust you have placed in us.
I am very proud of our staff. We look forward to serving you well.
Ruth - front desk extrardinaire and a true friend to all! She is our office manager and takes care of so many things. She has been a part of our practice for over 10 years, and all the other dental offices want her. Well they can't get her.
Nicole - She is a dental assistant and also helps out at the front desk. She has been a valuable asset to our dental practice for a year now! Time flies!
Roxanne - Our great assistant who's always giving gifts to patients ! She is a local and lives in The Forge, Rodger's Forge. She is on the condo association and can give you all the latest scoop on Towson. She has been a part of the practice for over 10 years.
Other staff members include our hygienists: Jan, Tory, Kerry, Nicole and Denise.
Last but not least is our "dude" dental student James. He works Saturdays.
I am very proud of my three amigas: